Household Magic of the Eastern Slavs According to Archaeological

Побутова магія східних слов’ян за археологічними даними: нариси / упор. С. А. Горбаненко; С. А. Горбаненко, І. А. Готун, Ю. О. Пуголовок. Київ: Наук. думка, 2020. 176 с.

Gorbanenko, S. A. (ed.). 2020. Household Magic of the Eastern Slavs According to Archaeological Data: Essays.  

  • November 2020
  • Publisher: Наукова думка
  • ISBN: 978-966-00-1767-2

УДК [904.2/.4:397](477)(= 16)
П 41

We offer the reader a selection of essays representing some aspects of the 
spiritual life of the Eastern Slavs. The processes and phenomena described 
here are archeologically recorded. The compilation includes reviews of mate-
rials on house building and foundation sacriᗂce, the furnace as an altar (two 
aspects are considered: rye as an enhancer of furnace magic and the furnace 
as a habitation of the house spirit), the ᗂrst archeologically recorded didukh 
(a kind of Guard Spirit), and “magic” utensils. Essays testify mainly to the 
agricultural nature of the activities of our ancestors.
For archaeologists, historians, ethnographers, local historians, teachers and 
students of universities, as well as anyone interested in the past of our country.