O. B. Bubenok The Khazars in the History of Eastern Europe

Today, the Khazar studies are very popular in Eastern Europe and 
the Northern Caucasus. However the modern scholars can not explain 
many questions on the Khazar history. So, we know very little about 
the  origin  of  the  Khazars.  We  do  not  know  when  the  Khazars  ap-
peared in the South of Eastern Europe 袈rstly. It is not known as well 
when the Khazars converted to Judaism. We can not explain the cha-
racter of the relationship between the Khazars and some peoples of 
Eastern  Europe.  We  will  never  know  who  the  descendants  of  the 
Khazars were.
Therefore incredible hypothesis about the Khazars have spread to 
a wide audience. Thus, the main purpose of the proposed work is to 
identify the Khazar factor in the ethnopolitical and cultural develop-
ment of the population of South of Eastern Europe in the early and 
developed Middle Ages.
The different sources were used for the completing it. There are 
the  written  texts  in Arabic,  Persian,  Hebrew,  Greek,  Old  Rus’ian, 
Latin, Armenian languages and also the data of archeological, folk-
lore researches.
The history of the Khazars has traditionally been practiced by both 
Orientalist historians and researchers of the history of Ancient Rus’, 
and also by archaeologists. Among them O. Pritsak was as the major 
specialist on the Khazar studies. He was a founder of the A. Krym-
sky’s Institute of Oriental studies. In 2019 we celebrate his 100th an-
When investigating sources on the history of the Khazars, quite 
often a paradoxical situation arises – the researchers tend to interpret 
information about the Khazars from the same medieval sources in dif-
ferent ways. Therefore the author of this book tried to explain it.