Museum holiday "Repinskie vytynanki"

25.12.2013 - 13:00 to 15.01.2014 - 01:45

Museum workers offer for young visitors a lot of holidays. One of them is called "Repinskie vytynanki". It was held on the day of the western Christmas at the Art gallery.

Children listened stories about Repin's childhood passions with great interest. One of them was a scissoring of various figures out of paper. The artist remembered: "Sister Ustya became scissor out of paper cows, pigs; I became scissor out horses and we sticked them on window glasses. On holidays boys and even passing adults stopped near our windows and considered our animals for a long time... Here is a simple beginning of my artistic activity. It was not only folk, but even childishly vulgar..."

Of course after such lively recollections of the artist the children wanted to create their own crafts. And now, plain white paper into children's hands becomes not only fishnet snowflakes but even fun snowmen, winter birds and prancing horses.